Sunday, November 8, 2015


I am an unabashed fan of this show.  To critique it would be a Fool’s Errand, as nothing goes right. Well.  It all goes right, but the left turns are so much fun… which is the whole point.. and, of course, the reason to simply go!   
Paul Baird, Lila Dupree, Marcelo Tubert, Olivia Christina Delgado, Aaron Miller    Photo by Ed Krieger
Spinning off the forty year legacy of El Grande de Coca Cola, penned by Ron House, Diz White, Alan Shearman and John Neville-Andrews which ran for over 1,400 performances Off Broadway, El Grande Circus de Coca Cola never fails to burlesque Burlesque.   

Alan Shearman’s deft hand and a cast of five amazing performers bring El Grande Circus de Coca Cola from recent sold out beginnings at The Skylight in Hollywood arriving now in Burbank!  It continues to leave the audience limp from laughter.   Ringmaster, Don Pepe Hernandez (excellent Marcelo Tubert), shows up a little late as half seesters Maria Hernandes (Olivia Christina Delgado) and Consuelo Hernandez (Lila Dupree), daughters of Don Pepe, respectively, are from ‘wifey numero uno or dos.. (I’m unsure) and numero quarto, a beautiful Swede. They 
engage the audience, hustling acting jobs and for Maria finding a husband! “Martha Stewart” and “Larry David” are interviewed.  “So? How was prison? Was it like Orange is the New Black?”  Non-stop silliness!

Over the top; filled with hubris, Don Pepe presents silly ‘eempersonations’ and promotes his own special brand of acting. He poopoos Uta Hagen (sounds like an ice cream!) and Lee Strasberg.. mumble jumble..  There’s even a coupon in the program for a discount to attend his acting workshop.

Drummer Juan Rodriguez (manic Aaron Miller) fiercely attacks not only his drum kit, but takes on history with his portrayal of a three foot tall Napoleon loading a gigantic cannon ball into an impossibly huge cannon.  The physical agility and prowess of all of the cast members is nothing short of incredible. 

Handsome Paul Baird as Miguel Vasquez plays piano, charms every woman in the audience, AND circles the stage riding a unicycle while playing the accordion!

John Iacovelli’s cotton candy set transfers beautifully from the smaller venue.  Sarah Vigoten’s costumes are perfectly tacky. 

Having become a fan of this craziness, all that really needs to be said is that one must abandon all disbelief to fully embrace an hour and a half of hilarity (mostly in Spanglish and Spanish! Which really need no translation) at the beautiful Colony Theatre.  This is professional work by an energetic and professional cast.  The Colony now has a license to serve at their bar, so come thirsty, my friends.

Directed by Alan Shearman
555 N. Third Street
Burbank, California
Through December 13, 2015
Tickets and Information:
818 588 7000 extension #15