Wednesday, August 28, 2024


Thanks to a wonderful theatre friend, Amanda Weier, I was directed to meet Dr. Lee of  CCRS in The Valley.  Dr.Lee is an amiable professional who pays attention and has a great staff to guide patients to what may one of the most life changing procedures in their lives. 

At the unlikely corner of Van Nuys and Addison at 4954 Van Nuys Blvd, Sherman Oaks, CA 91403, my first visi was a challenge.  At first I couldn't find the door! Surprise!! Comfortable offices are upstairs in a MiniMall! Fact is that it's an oasis one flight up.  Entry is round the back by the free parking.

To say that the prospect of eye surgery is a little anxiety provoking is an understatement. Somehow, this experience brought me to the realization that there are truly kind and generous folks who take 'taking care'  of others seriously.

The professional treatment that I experienced at CCRS LASIK ICL Center Sherman Oak left me confident with my diagnosis and suggestions that Dr. Lee provided.

Next steps are up to me.  Crossing my fingers that I'll be brave and move forward.

Even though this is my theatre review site..There is a lingering of drama from the drive to see Dr.Lee and so.. for clear sight, find the clinic and take steps to clear vision.

michael sheehan



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