Monday, February 17, 2025


I cannot recall how long ago I reviewed, SORDID LIVES, one of Del Shores' pithy plays with a Texas Twinge.. It was there I saw for the first time the talent of Margot Rose: singer, actor, song writer and after a few years?  "Marme" to twins.

Margot Rose

Margot's beautifully produced memoir with music currently at The Skylight Theatre on Vermont features the talents of five musicians including Melina Young as Nora around whom Margot's 'unconditional love' revolves.  Ms Young provides the voice of Margot's daugher, Nora, in nice harmony with equal billing to percussionist Justin Lottie, keyboard/conductoAaron Benham , Novi Novog on violin and Larry Tuttle on electric bass.

No expense has been spared to creat what feels a little like a posh Cabaret/Jazz Club. Set by Tommy Brown. Uncredted lights  are great.

Margot's hopscotch tale comes loose in chronological time over years of bliss and challenges with her former partner, Pat, who served as the vehicle for the birth of the couple's twins.  Foreshadowing comes to a passionate conclusion  showcasing  Margot's considerable musical talents.

The beautiful program for the show gets a nod because it's classy, sharing names and photos of the talented cast.

Director Anne Kenny's hand is subtle. Kenny has worked with Margot for years to fine tune this heart rending memoir.

Margot Rose is a suigenerous  survivor: extolling her sober age of 73.  The ebb and flow of her story shares her devotion to the memory of the good times and some sad ones.  


Performers: Margot Rose (Playwright/Performer), Melina Young (Singer), Aaron Benham (Musical Direction/Arrangements), Justin Lottie, (Drums) Novi Novog (Violin), Larry Tuttle (Guitar).


Production Team: Tommy Brown (Scenic Design), William Mellon (Producer), Nico Parducho (Stage Manager) Photos Sherry Rayn Barnett
What“UNCONDITIONAL, A Musical Memoir”
Written and performed by Margot Rose
Directed by Anne Kenny 
Produced by William Mellon
Musical Direction/Arrangements by Aaron Benham
Recommended for ages 14+
Description: In the wake of one of life’s most profound challenges, Margot Rose’s UNCONDITIONAL, A Musical Memoir forges a path to resilience with a commitment to go on in a world of unpredictability. This is a true story of dedication and loss; community and love, in which two women, already in their mid-forties, went to extraordinary lengths to have kids. After a tragic loss, the family would be thrown into a spiral that, once again, forced them to grapple with the question – how do we become (and stay) a family? How are we able to go on?
Skylight Theatre
1816 ½ North Vermont Ave.
Los Angeles, CA. 90027

When: Previews 7:30pm on February 13, 14

Opening: 7:30pm Saturday, February 15, 2025
Schedule: 7:30pm on Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays; 3pm Sundays
No performances on 2/28, 3/1, 3/2
Closing: March 9, 2025


How: Ticketing at More information: 818-749-6842.
How Much: Previews $20
Opening night tickets $40
Regular: $30
Discounts: Students and Seniors 10%

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