Monday Octobr 24, 2022
Leslie Jordan and Del Shores |
Leslie Jordan dies.
I didn't know Leslie Jordan very well. When I first saw him in one of Del Shores' first hit plays.. was it Sordid Lives or Daddy's Dyin'..?? it was clear that this guy was fearless and a dedicated artist.
We all mourn the loss of loved ones.. mostly when they have lived a long life and gravity and time has caught up with us. Leslie was only 67, according to the LA Times report. Car crash in Hollywood.
For those who really knew him, The Alexanders and Del Shores and Ann Walker.. friends of mine.. this is a serious blow. How a guy so full of life and love is gone is a weight that takes the breath away.
The few times Leslie and I chatted, he was present and warm and engaged. It seemed to be easy in spite of the Celebrity that he had become. His warmth and humility and kindness are goals for all of us.
Please hold a good thought for Leslie's family and friends and for the millions whom he made not only laugh but embraced with kindness his life as a gay guy who was unparalleled and never ashamed.
Michael Sheehan
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