
Sunday, September 8, 2024




Between 1938 (Our Town) and 1942 (The Skin of Our Teeth) with a couple of other plays in betwen.. Thornton Wilder  had  a message that he wanted to share with the world.  The bizarre world of The Antrobus Family and others emerges in a beautiful  over the top pageant of great colors, projectsions, costumes!!! and a peek into a message that smacks a little of James Joyce and his exploration of words and situations.

I have to take a step back and see f I can define "situations" but thanks to the producing directing team of Geoff Elliott and Julia Roderiguez-Elliott.. the money is on the stage! The cast is ..again.. interesting with diversity casting and the ANW stage literally vibrates with the palpable energy that the Elliotts and their actors and the amazing crew  have gone to great lengths to present.   Even the koken type stage hands are choreographed to be more than just furinture movers.

It's fun. It's amazing. It's loopy. 

And...  there must be a message here that Wilder longs for us to take to heart.The rat-a-tat-tat pace of the dialogue is break neck and appropriately LOUD!  Howard Hawks would be smiling as we were challenged to keep up!

The ANW production  of "Our Town" was done  at their original (I  think?) space in Glendale.. the  old Masonic Temple on Brand. The historic atmosphere, the ancient wood.. all contributed to the story of Thornton Wilder's "Grover's Corners". 

Being literally driven from Glendale, the ANW company, with the Elliotts absolutely devoted to doing important classical theatre, found safe harbor and then some in Pasadena. 

I mention this because the journey that ANW proceeds with, and with great success, this terrific theatre..  their devotion to detail.. the employ of excellent actors to bring their vision to life... all deserve standing ovations.

But.What About This Play?? 

The Antrobuses (George: Frederick Stuart and Maggie: Trisha Miller) have been married for five thousand years.

George goes fron  their New Jersey home to the 'office'' daily..and  has invented the Wheel.. and is working on the alphabet. He drills his son, Henry (originally named Cain!) played by Christian Henley,   on his 'sixes..'  As Gladys, Mildred Marie Langford is essentially the flip side of Henry who presents as recalcitrant and angry.


    Micah Schneider, Ann Noble, Veronica McFarlane
Photo by Craig Schwartz

Ann Noble, the adorable and skittishly wonderful maid, Sabina (SabEYEna)   drags us kicking and screaming into and out of the play .. Interruptions and  do overs and even the truly magical work of the two women stage hands.. lends to the fully professional presentation.. 

Plot??  Allusion to Noah and two by two.. A burgeioning  weather event.. later..a war? The Convention of Mammals at Atantic City..  Projections and graphics  are amazing.. 

The mysterious Fortune Teller (Cassandra Marie Murphy,)   tells us that no one can tell the past,but SHE can tell the Future..  I don't appreciate fake smoking on stage. It takes me out of the play. but this play interrupts itself all the time. so it's less of an issue. Just sayin'..

A complete "breakdown" of the show with seven sick actors out, with not enough understudies.. the  "crew" is called in to recite lines from sages and philosophers that Wilder in 1942 considered important. These "actors" become eloquent: reciting Spinoza. These speeches seem appropriate, especially today in the United States. Research says that Wilder may have used aqs a  matrix Joyce's "Finnegan's Wake" for this play.  The odd leaps and bounds of the text and the adventures of this long married couple.. even with some serious vamping by Sabina going on.. sails off on what may be the Ark.. (there are lots of animals besides the dinosaur and the Wooley Mammoth in the first act)   and then.. the recitations by the 'crew' members standing in the audience recitijng in  sonorous tones that have to do with  the ethics of living a good life... 

Bailey (I can't find this actor's name, He is part of the ensemble) recites the revelation of Spinoza that inspired Antrobus to seek and hope to  find good in the world...  and to share it. .. 

Hester (another ensemble member's beautiful rendering of Spinoza's text but.. can't find her name) stood right next to  my aisle seat and recited a text that  I'd love to share that has to do with how we choose leaders who are honest and sable and first have 'found' themselves renering them fit to lead to guis us to find a 'side' to align with  in order to live decent and respectable lives.. 

This loopy and super charged over the top presentation is a challenge to follow.  That  said..  the production is excellent in every way..  Don't expect to buy a Coke with cash at the bar!


The Skin of our Teeth
• Written by Thornton Wilder
• Directed by Julia Rodriguez–Elliott and Geoff Elliott
• Starring Christian Henley, Mildred Marie Langford, Kasey Mahaffy, Trisha Miller, Cassandra Marie Murphy, Ann Noble, Frederick Stuart
• Ensemble: Anthony Adu, Stella Bullock, Julia Chavez, Jacob Cherry, Yannick Haynes, Amber Liekhus, Veronica McFarlane, David A. Rangel, Landon M. Robinson, Micah Schneider, Maya Sta. Ana
• Presented by A Noise Within, Geoff Elliot and Julia Rodriguez-Elliott, producing artistic directors

Previews Sept. 1 – Sept. 6
Sept. 7 – Sept. 29
• Wednesday at 7:30 p.m.: Sept. 4 ONLY (Preview)
• Thursdays at 7:30 p.m.: Sept. 5 (preview), Sept. 19, Sept. 26 (dark Sept. 12)
• Fridays at 7:30 p.m.: Sept. 6 (preview); Sept. 13*, Sept. 20*, Sept. 27*
• Saturdays at 2 p.m.: Sept. 14, Sept. 21, Sept. 28 (no matinee on Sept. 7)
• Saturdays at 7:30 p.m.: Sept. 7 (Opening Night); Sept. 14, Sept. 21, Sept. 28
• Sundays at 2 p.m.: Sept. 1 (preview), Sept. 8; Sept. 15*, Sept. 22, Sept. 29
*Post–performance conversations with the artists take place every Friday (except the preview) and on Sunday, Sept. 15.
**A one-hour INsiders Discussion Group will take place prior to the matinee on Sunday, Sept. 8 beginning at 12:30 p.m.

Student matinees are scheduled on select weekdays at 10:30 a.m. Interested educators should email

A Noise Within
3352 E Foothill Blvd.
Pasadena, CA 91107

• Tickets start at $51.50 (including fees)
• Student tickets start at $20
• Wednesday, Sept. 4 and Thursday, Sept. 5 (previews): Pay What You Choose starting at $10 (available online beginning at noon the Monday prior to that performance, and at the box office beginning at 2 p.m. on the day of the performance.)
• Discounts available for groups of 10 or more

(626) 356-3100

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